Workshop Religions on Campus: Coexisting Traditions, Reformulating the Secular and Life Projects

With the Remoboko research group, we organised a workshop entitled “Religions on Campus: Coexisting Traditions, Reformulating the Secular and Life Projects” at the LASDEL in Niamey (Niger) from 31 October to 5 November 2022. The event was attended by 17 participants from Niger, Nigeria, Benin, Mali, France and Germany. I presented a paper entitled “‘Trop

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Lutte contre le terrorisme et sécuritisation du salafisme au Bénin et au Togo : instrumentalisations diverses d’une “menace étrangère”

I contributed to the latest issue of the Bulletin FrancoPaix of the Centre Franco-Paix of the Chaire Raoul-Dandurand. I wrote a report based on my research on Muslim minorities in Benin and Togo. Abstract La détérioration de la situation sécuritaire au Burkina Faso, qui a suivi la chute du président Blaise Compaoré en octobre 2014,

Lutte contre le terrorisme et sécuritisation du salafisme au Bénin et au Togo : instrumentalisations diverses d’une “menace étrangère” Read More »

Publishing the Islam Burkina Faso Collection: Collaboration for Digital Scholarship

On 15 September, together with Perry Collins, we presented a paper entitled “Publishing the Islam Burkina Faso Collection: Collaboration for Digital Scholarship” for the panel on “Digital Humanities” at the 34th Deutscher Orientalistentag (DOT) Conference at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany). Abstract Despite the growing popularity of digital humanities, a limited number of initiatives related

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12th European Summer University (ESU) in Digital Humanities “Culture & Technology”

In August 2022, I attended the 12th European Summer University in Digital Humanities “Culture & Technology”, hosted by the University of Leipzig and organised by Elisabeth Burr in collaboration with the Forum Digital Humanities Leipzig (FDHL). The two-week intensive programme consisted of 36 hours of workshops, four teaser sessions, six lectures, four project presentations and

12th European Summer University (ESU) in Digital Humanities “Culture & Technology” Read More »

Special Issue “Muslim Minorities in Africa”

The double special issue I co-edited with Dorothea E. Schulz on “Muslim Minorities in Africa”, in the making since 2019, is finally out in Islamic Africa! I feel privileged to have worked with these amazing scholars from various disciplines: Laura Collins, Dr. Gino Vlavonou, Katrin Langewiesche, Hassan Ndzovu, Kristina Mashimi, Nelly Mwale, Nadeem Mahomed and

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