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Religious Activism on Campuses in Togo and Benin: Christian and Muslim Students Navigating Authoritarianism and Laïcité, 1970–2023. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2025. DOI 10.1515/9783111428895

The interplay between religion and student activism at the universities of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) and Lomé (Togo) has often been overlooked, although faith-based organisations and student unions have coexisted since the 1970s. Based on interviews with different generations of activists, this book uncovers the neglected history of Christian and Muslim student associations on these campuses, originally strongholds of leftist and secular ideologies. It analyses the emergence of these groups under a Marxist-Leninist regime in Benin and a one-party dictatorship in Togo, and explores the implications of growing religiosity for these public universities as secular institutions. The history of these associations reveals the campus as a microcosm reflecting wider national socio-political life, while also highlighting the importance of translocal factors in shaping the internal dynamics of these groups. Amidst the massification of university enrolments and rising graduate unemployment, faith-based associations have come to provide more than religious guidance. Increasingly, they offer a “social curriculum”, providing a space for socialisation and a set of skills, norms and moral values that complement the secular academic curriculum.

Sounaye, A. and F. Madore (eds.), Religiosity on University Campuses in Africa: Trends and Experiences. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2023.

This volume examines religiosity on university campuses in Sub-Saharan Africa. Focusing on both individuals and organized groups, the contributions open a window onto how religion becomes a factor, affects social interactions, is experienced and mobilized by various actors. It brings together case studies from various disciplinary backgrounds (anthropology, sociology, history, religious studies, literature) and theoretical orientations to illustrate the significance of religiosity in recent developments on university campuses. It pays a particular attention to religion-informed activism and contributes a fresh analysis of processes that are shaping both the experience of being student and the university campus as a moral space. Last but not least, it sheds light onto the ways in which the campus becomes a site of a reformulation of both religiosity and sociality.

La construction d’une sphère publique musulmane en Afrique de l’Ouest. Québec/Paris: Presses de l’Université Laval/Hermann, 2016.

“Madore’s book chronicles this rise to visibility in the public sphere through a detailed and incisive analysis of three cohorts of Muslim leaders in Burkina Faso. … Madore’s book is a highly perceptive account of the shifting terrain of Muslim leadership in Burkina Faso over the past fifty years. … This is really a detailed, authoritative, and perceptive account of the emergence of Islamic leadership in Burkina Faso.”
—​ Robert Launay, Northwestern University, Cahiers d’études africaines

“This book is a well-documented investigation and a case study with a sociological sensibility, yet one that is also driven by a clear historical agenda. It certainly helps to uncover the sometimes-tortuous trajectories of Islam in Africa. … By calling attention to the societal and structural developments that shaped Islam and Muslim interactions, an approach that has applications within and beyond Burkina Faso, Madore presents a valuable and insightful perspective on understanding Islam in West Africa.”
— Abdoulaye Sounaye, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, The Journal of African History

“Alors que l’Afrique de l’Ouest est confrontée à la menace du radicalisme religieux, et alors que le Burkina Faso connaît depuis 2014 des bouleversements politiques considérables, cette analyse historique et contemporaine de l’islam burkinabé est plus que jamais pertinente.”
​— Cynthia Ohayon, Afrique contemporaine

Guest edited journals

Journal articles

  • 2022. “A Beninese Imam’s Controversial 2019 Election Campaign: Muslim Leadership and Political Engagement in a Minority Context”. Islamic Africa 13 (1): 1–26.
  • 2021. “La Collection Islam Burkina Faso : promesses et défis des humanités numériques”. Revue d’Histoire Contemporaine de l’AfriqueDOI 10.51185/journals/rhca.2021.e610
  • 2021. “‘Good Muslim, bad Muslim’ in Togo: religious minority identity construction amid a sociopolitical crisis (2017–2018).” The Journal of Modern African Studies 59 (2): 197–217. DOI 10.1017/S0022278X21000094
  • 2020. “Muslim Feminist, Media Sensation, and Religious Entrepreneur: Aminata Kane Koné as a Figure of Success in Côte d’Ivoire.” Africa Today 67 (2-3): 17–38. DOI 10.2979/africatoday.67.2_3.02
  • 2020. ​“Francophone Muslim intellectuals, Islamic associational life and religious authority in Burkina Faso.” Africa 90 (3): 625-46. DOI 10.1017/S0001972020000108
  • 2018. Madore F. and Y. Traoré. “L’organisation du hadj en Côte d’Ivoire: entre facteur de cohésion et source de rivalités au sein de la communauté musulmane (1993-2010).” Cahiers d’études africaines 229: 179–208. DOI 10.4000/etudesafricaines.21880
  • 2017. Millet-Mouity P. and F. Madore. “Pour de nouvelles études sur les acteurs religieux africains à l’ère du numérique.” Émulations 24: 11–22. DOI 10.14428/emulations.024.001
  • 2017. Hackett R.I.J., F. Madore and P. Millet-Mouity. “Interview with Rosalind I. J. Hackett on Religion and Digital Media Trends in Africa.” Émulations 24: 125–33. DOI 10.14428/emulations.024.008
  • 2016. “The New Vitality of Salafism in Côte d’Ivoire: Toward a Radicalization of Ivoirian Islam?” Journal of Religion in Africa 46 (4): 417–52.
  • 2016. “L’islam ivoirien et burkinabé à l’ère du numérique 2.0.” Journal des anthropologues 146–147: 151–78. DOI 10.4000/jda.6525
  • 2016. “Islam, médias, mise en place du Sénat et article 37 de la Constitution: changement de paradigme au Burkina Faso (1991-2014)?” Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines 50 (1): 7–27. DOI 10.1080/00083968.2015.1101008
  • 2016. Madore F. and M. Gomez-Perez. “Muslim Women in Burkina Faso since the 1970s: Toward Recognition as Figures of Religious Authority?” Islamic Africa 7 (2): 185–209.
  • 2013. Gomez-Perez M. and F. Madore. “Prêcheurs(ses) musulman(e)s et stratégies de communication au Burkina Faso depuis 1990. Des processus différentiés de conversion interne.” Théologiques 21 (2): 121–57. DOI 10.7202/1028465ar

Book chapters

  • 2024. Madore F. and L. Audet Gosselin. “Religion on the Internet and New Information and Communication Technologies in Burkina Faso.” In Religious Encounters and Social Dynamics in Burkina Faso, edited by A. Degorce, L.O. Kibora and K. Langewiesche, 263–88. Dakar: Amalion.
  • 2023. Sounaye A. and F. Madore. “Introduction: Religiosity on University Campuses in Africa,” In Religiosity on University Campuses in Africa: Trends and Experiences, edited by A. Sounaye and F. Madore, 3–21. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
  • 2023. “Exister en contexte autoritaire : les associations étudiantes chrétiennes et islamiques à l’Université de Lomé sous Gnassingbé Eyadéma, 1970–2005.” In Religiosity on University Campuses in Africa: Trends and Experiences, edited by A. Sounaye and F. Madore, 51–83. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
  • 2023. Madore, F. and I. Binaté. “Islam on University Campuses in Côte d’Ivoire since the 1970s: Muslim Intellectuals and Francophone Salafism.” In Religiosity on University Campuses in Africa: Trends and Experiences, edited by A. Sounaye and F. Madore, 273–307. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
  • 2021. Madore F. and A.-A. Brassard. “Du plan au brouillon : l’essentiel pour structurer ses idées et éviter le syndrome de la page blanche” In Guide décolonisé et pluriversel de formation à la recherche en sciences sociales et humaines, edited by F. Piron and É. Arsenault. Québec: Éditions science et bien commun.
  • 2020. “Imams, Islamic Preachers, and Public Space in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) since the 1990s: Toward New Intergenerational Relationships and a Muslim Public Sphere.” In Perspectives on the Religious Landscape in Africa, edited by L.J. Acquah and T. Falola, 183–213. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
  • 2019. Madore F. and L. Audet Gosselin. “Le religieux sur Internet et dans les NTIC au Burkina Faso.” In Rencontres religieuses et dynamiques sociales au Burkina Faso, edited by A. Degorce, L.O. Kibora and K. Langewiesche, 269–96. Dakar: Amalion.
  • 2016. Couillard K., F. Madore and M. Gomez-Perez. “Leaders of National and Transnational Muslim NGOs in Burkina Faso: Diverse Forms and Experiences of Islamic Civic Engagement.” In Faith and Charity: Religion and Humanitarian Assistance in West Africa, edited by M.N. LeBlanc and L. Audet Gosselin, 105–23. London: Pluto Press. DOI 10.2307/j.ctt1gk0810.11


Encyclopedia ​article

Ph.D. dissertation

  • 2018. “Rivalités et collaborations entre ainés et cadets sociaux dans les milieux associatifs islamiques en Côte d’Ivoire et au Burkina Faso (1970-2017)”, Ph.D. thesis, Université Laval.


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